The Drama & Health Science Lab was founded in 2022 by Prof. Hod Orkibi (director), Dr. Rinat Feniger-Schaal, and Prof. Shoshi Keisari. The Lab is dedicated to advancing Goal 3 of the UN Sustainable Development Goals of promoting good health and well-being, and has collaborated with the World Health Organization’s Arts & Health Unit on several projects of mutual interest. Our main focal areas are: synthesizing research evidence on the therapeutic uses of drama and theater across the life span through high-quality systematic reviews and meta-analyses; developing and examining drama-based interventions for vulnerable populations such as youth at-risk, refugees, older adults with mobility issues, LGBTQ individuals, and people with developmental disabilities; and examining the associations between process and outcome measures in drama-based interventions. Examples of some of our projects include tele-drama therapy for older adults with constricted life-space mobility; the experiences of women with intellectual disabilities in theater-based participatory research; the use of playfulness and clown interventions for vulnerable children and in refugee camps in Europe; the effects of playfulness in improvised interactions throughout the life span; creating an empirically-based theoretical model of the social arts; and theater-based research on the experiences of older female spouses of men with dementia.