Dr. Rinat Feniger-Schaal

Rinat Feniger-Schaal, PhD, is a certified drama therapist (a registered supervisor), a developmental psychologist and a senior lecture (tenured) at the School of Creative Arts Therapies, University of Haifa, Israel. Rinat established the MA program in Drama therapy and Psychodrama in Haifa university and act as the director of the program. She is also an affiliated member of the Center for the study of child development in Haifa university. Her main research interests are in the areas connecting research and clinical work, focusing mainly on play, drama and movement and its connection to the theory of attachment. Rinat has an extensive clinical experience as a dramatherapist in the public and private practice, specialising in working with people with cognitive impairment and mental health problems.
Dr. Feniger-Schaal has been awarded private and public grant funds, including from the Ministry of Science and Technology in Israel, the National Insurance Institute of Israel, and the Shalem fund. She has published over 20 articles and chapters, and hers work has been presented at international conferences. She also represents the Drama therapy section of the Israeli Association for Creative Arts therapies (YAHAT) in international organizations such as the world alliance of drama therapy (WADTH). She serves on the editorial board of the international journal The Arts in Psychotherapy, the Drama Therapy Review – Journal of the North American Drama Therapy Association, and the GMS Journal of Arts Therapies. Dr. Feniger-Schaal full list of publications can be seen on her personal website (www.feniger.com)